EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium

EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium

EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium

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EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium

EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium
This premium headset is crafted for professionals, providing exceptional audio clarity and convenience for your business communication needs. HD voice and noise-cancelling technology for clear and natural conversations. Seamlessly connect to your devices for wireless freedom and flexibility. Unified Communications (UC) Compatible. Optimized for major UC platforms, enhancing collaboration in the workplace. Ergonomic and lightweight for extended wear, ensuring comfort throughout your workday. Easy-to-use buttons for call management, volume control, and mute functionality. Compatible with major Unified Communications platforms.
EPOS SENNHEISER ADAPT Presence Grey UC Bluetooth Headset (1000660) Premium

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